La Petite Blog

The 5 Most Common Causes of Diaper Rash

The 5 Most Common Causes of Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is the most common skin condition of infancy. It is an uncomfortable experience for little bottoms and can lead to very unhappy babies - and in turn, very stressed-out parents. Good news: it can be prevented! Determining the cause of the rash is key in prevention. When we prevent diaper rash, we don't have to deal with the upset that comes with it – it's a win win!

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The Best Alternative to Baby Wipes for Your Little One’s Bum

The Best Alternative to Baby Wipes for Your Little One’s Bum

Until your baby is potty trained, you and your diaper bag are going to be co-dependent. Stuffed inside are all the tools you need for diaper changes: diapers, wipes, diaper lotion, and diaper rash cream. What if I told you that you could do away with most of these diapering tools by switching to an alternative to baby wipes? It’s true! Moms all over the world are saying good-bye to traditional baby wipes in favor of multi-use products that are safer for babes and the environment.

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The Health Benefits of Olive Oil

The Health Benefits of Olive Oil

When you think about olive oil, it’s not hard to get lost in a sea of thoughts about spaghetti, salad dressing, or even sautéed veggies. But have you ever stopped to think that if olive oil has so many health benefits for the inside of your body, it must have some incredible benefits for the outside of your body as well...

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It's More Than a Lotion

It's More Than a Lotion

Who does not like the lush and creamy texture of a baby lotion? Especially when it is made with natural ingredients and no synthetic fragrances... What is that lotion was also hiding some pretty sick super powers. Curious, hey? Well read on then, you're in for a surprise...

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