How to Protect My Baby's Skin?

A baby's skin is naturally so soft, so perfect that we not only want to kiss it all the time but we also want to make sure it stays as perfect as it is.

Unfortunately, a lot of external factors go against keeping our baby's skin healthy, hydrated, and protected at all times.

In this blog, we tell you what can irritate your baby's skin and how to best protect it.

What Irritates My Baby's Skin?

Many different factors can be considered when your baby's skin is red or irritated.

1. Clothing & diaper

Some baby clothes, even if they feel soft, can trigger irritation, especially if your little one has some sensitivity. Same goes with diapers which as constantly in contact with the skin. This type of irritation is commonly called contact dermatitis.

2. Harmful Chemicals in Cosmetics

As surprising as it can sound, a lot of babies cosmetics contain harmful chemicals that can trigger irritations or even allergies. To know more about those nasties and how to choose best your baby's cosmetics, you can read our blog Harmful Ingredients to Look out for in Baby Care Products.

3. The Weather

Whether it's winter or summer, our babies' skin is exposed to temperature variations, humidity or dryness, and pollution. And because a baby's skin is much more sensitive than adults' one, it rapidly reacts.

How to Best Protect My Baby's Skin?

Our best advice as moms who have gone through skin sensitivity with our little-ones: it is always better to be able to anticipate and prevent a skin reaction than having to urgently deal with a painful condition.

How to Prevent Contact Dermatitis?

To make sure that your baby's skin doesn't get irritated by their new and cute outfits, we recommend the following:
  • Always wash your baby's new clothes before wearing them, using a mild, hypo-allergenic laundry detergent,
  • Prefer soft, natural fabrics like cotton or bamboo,
  • Make sure to choose a size in which your baby will be comfortable to move and that will allow air circulation to prevent friction against your baby's skin.

How to Protect My Baby's Skin in Summer?

In summer between the sun, the heat, the sweating, and insects bites, our babies' skin needs extra protection:
  • To make sure that your baby stays well protected against the sun, having a trustworthy sunscreen will give you peace of mind. The EWG organization has made all the research for you and provides you with a list of the safest and most efficient sunscreens for your baby, and for you.
  • Don't hesitate to invest in a sunproof bathing suit, with UPF 50+, especially for babies under 6 months, as it is not recommended for them to wear sunscreen.
  • To prevent your baby from suffering too much from the heat and having a heat rash, dress them with only a cotton onesie or even leave them in a diaper if possible, under the shade. Prefer your stroller to your baby carrier to allow your baby's skin to breathe. Also, stay inside during the  hottest hours of the day to avoid unnecessary exposure to sun and heat.


 How to Protect My Baby's Skin in Winter?

In winter, our babies' skin will need extra moisturizing and tender care as the cold, dry air can damage their sensitive skin.

La Petite Creme will be your best option here.

Using our all-in-one diapering lotion daily, at every diaper change, will keep your little-one's bottom clean, moisturized, and 100% protected from any diaper rash.

Used after every bath as a moisturizer on your baby's entire body, it will not only give them a gentle and soft little massage, but will also make sure their skin stays protected and hydrated during winter.


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